Plans & Features

Get to market faster & build resilient supply chains with Cofactr data intelligence, procurement, & logistics infrastructure.

Full access to part data, procurement, & BOM management
Unlimited users
ITAR compliant hosting
ERP & PLM integrations
Altium 365
Altium 365
Part Library Size
500 parts
2500 parts
1-Click Parts Purchases
Cofactr Storage & Kitting Services
Integrate negotiated supplier pricing via upload, API, or EDI
Search 250+ million parts
Real time supplier price & availability
Search parts from external systems such as your PLM, ERP, or PIM
Automatically capture data from BOMs, inventory, and your existing systems to build a library with no data entry required
Lifecycle status, specs, & compliance stats
Datasheets, REACH, RoHS, Conflict Mineral statements
Distributor & manufacturer alt part suggestions
AltAI alt suggestion, search, & comparison
Coming Soon
AI Intelligence Package
AI Intelligence Package
DocAI Product-Change-Notification monitoring & intelligence
Coming Soon
AI Intelligence Package
AI Intelligence Package
AI-assisted parametric search and part discovery
Coming Soon
AI Intelligence Package
AI Intelligence Package
Historical procureability & market predictions powered by Altium Spectra
AI Intelligence Package
AI Intelligence Package
Interactive BOM management
Real time inline supply chain, inventory, lifecycle, & compliance data
CSV/Excel import & export
AI-assisted BOM upload & scrubbing
Coming Soon
AI Intelligence Package
AI Intelligence Package
Request quotes from 700+ manufacturers, distributors, & brokers with 1 click
AI routing & parsing for quote emails
Generate & export optimized purchasing plans
1-Click Buy for 200+ million parts from 250+ distributors
Automatic Assembly Attrition Calculations
Customs & tariff calculations & management
Order complete part kits
Store parts for future production at Cofactr
Order approval workflows
Scheduled Releases
Generate POs in your accounting software or ERP
Integrate negotiated supplier pricing via upload, API, or EDI
DocAI for order confirmations, ship notices, invoices, etc
Automated 3-way reconciliation
Central order management & tracking across distributors
Order status & delay notifications
Automatic decommit resolution suggestions
Active Stock Lot Records
Track inventory to the stock-lot level
Capture & track date code & lot codes
MSL floor life tracking
DocAI  packing slips, CofC, inspection reports
Inventory cost reporting
Track production facility or SMT line's unique requirements for packaging, reeling, & more
Fully customizable attrition models by facility
Manage unlimited facilities & stock locations
Automatically generate kits based on facility requirements
Fully custom label templates
Central tracking dashboard & notifications for UPS, FedEx, DHL, USPS
Ship with Cofactr's discounted UPS rates
Ship with your own UPS/FedEx account
Work-forward/work-back scheduling
Master planning across multiple products/BOMs
Allocate Inventory to Production Runs
Centralized production schedule management
Coming Soon
Unlimited Users & Guests
Groups, teams, & customers
Isolated Sub-Orgs
Granular App-Level Permissions
ITAR Compliant
Altium 365
Google Sheets & Excel
Fully Customizable Report Generator
Custom Email Domains
Sandbox Instance
SQL Database/Data Warehouse
Workflow Studio
Customizable ERP Integrations (Netsuite, SAP, Business Central, & More)
Customizable PLM Integrations (Arena, Oracle Agile, Enovia, Teamcenter, Windchill, & More)

Storage & Kitting Services

Parts purchased with Cofactr 1-Click Buy
All other barcoded parts
$1.00 per package (reel, tubes, etc)
All other non-barcoded parts
$2.00 per package (reel, tubes, etc)
X-Ray component counting
Capture lot code, date code, COO
MSL reset bake, as needed
Capture photo of parts, scan CoC & other documents
Kitting & shipping
$5.00 per shipment + $1.00 per line
1 day kitting & shipping SLA
Splitting, splicing, repackaging, as needed
Per stock-lot labels with reference designators, line numbers, & more
Starting at $7.00 per reel
Starting at $25 per month
ESD & humidity controlled storage
On demand MSL resets bakes
Anti-counterfeiting (X-Ray, Visual, Chemical, Decapping)
Starting at $50
LCR test
Dimensional inspection
Inspection reports tracked through Cofactr platform
1 day inspection SLA